Treasurer’s Report
Thursday, December 16, 2021
Documents Preceded
1. Finance Reports November 2021 attached (see drive)
1. No news.
1. Finance team is working on a draft budget for 2022-2023.
2. BOT to vote Alan Darbe onto Finance Committee
1. Finance Team is finalizing marketing materials with the timeline we approved by email vote. Dates have been added to the calendar.
2. Finance is meeting with Rev Sue to work out details of her participation in ABD.
3. ABD Team: Finance Team, BOT, Membership, AND Guest Team TBD.
Treasurer’s Corner: Endowment balance, Mortgage balance, Budget vs Actual for the month.
These numbers on WIX updated monthly.
· The Investment Fund has $65,000.00
· The Endowment Fund has $26,348.43 (inc. matching, capital appreciation)
· The Mortgage balance is $417,668.27.
· As far as the budget is concerned the current year pledges collected should be at 41.7% or $75,729.17. We are at 28.42% or $51,650.00. We are under budget. However, there was $5,045 given in June 2021 for this fiscal year.
· Expenses should be at 41.7% or 83,325. We are at 20.68% or $41,356.45. CUUB expenses are under budget.
· Included in the expenses are the full annual UUA Dues of $7,891 and the full year property and liability insurance amount of $2,687.00.