Treasurer's Corner:
The Investment Fund has $65,000.00
The Endowment Fund has $25,050.00
The Mortgage balance is $418,834.46.
As far as the budget is concerned the current year pledges collected should be at 33.3% or $60,583.33. We are at 21.67% or $39,385.00. We are under budget. However, there was $5,045 given in June 2021 for this fiscal year.
Expenses should be at 33.3% or 66,660.00. We are at 17.44% or $34,879.71. CUUB expenses are under budget.
Included in the expenses are the full annual UUA Dues of $7,891 and the full year property and liability insurance amount of $2,687.00.
Jim Dowd
CUUB Treasurer